Tired of being lost in the social media shuffle?
NETSTAIRS iCDN Technologies -your key to unlocking real-time platform for connections with your audience. Imagine a world where your brand stands out with the brilliance of a hologram and the immersion of the Metaverse, all without the noise of third-party ads.
NETSTAIRS offers a symphony of options:
Rent, Lease, or Own: Choose the perfect platform for your needs with iCDN.VIDEO, LETSTREAM.VIDEO, and ZIMZIM.VIDEO.
Own Your Data: Build lasting relationships with your audience through the power of "Clean Rooms" and "First Party Data".
Broadcast, Collaborate, and Connect: Engage your target audience in real-time and spark conversations that ignite your brand.
Ready to ditch the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary?
Request a demo today! Witness the future of video streaming.
NETSTAIRS iBCC-PaaS Platforms: It's not just a room, it's a revolution.
Video-First with Real-Time Video Services. Bring own CDN or use our Ultra Low Latency Streaming.
Having an event, on-site celebrity, or other complex streams? Be sure to get help. Plan ahead.
Digital Economy starts with broadcast, collaboration & communications.
DMR & DMC are made as "Clean Room" - "First-Data Party" in a secured virtual private cloud.
Have you got a new idea? Don't keep it to yourself, Broadcast, and let folks know.
Have questions or need advice? Let's meet and get your problems solved.